Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"Face Time" without Facebook

Last week, I was challenged by a dear from to take a break from Facebook. Instead of facebooking as usual, the goal was to write a letter to one of our friends each day for the next week. I was so glad that she suggested this idea because I had been feeling the need to step away for a little bit. This might seem silly to those who don't really care about Facebook at all, but I admit, I'm slightly addicted to it. I do love that it connects me to those that I care about. I love being able to have a window of sorts into my friends' lives. But, at the same time, I think that Facebook often serves as a substitute for real interaction with those I truly want to be connected to. Since I feel like I already know everything that's going on in people's lives, i don't bother to check in on how they are REALLY doing. And that's sad.

My week without Facebook has been quite liberating :) I've spent much more time one on one with my children, my husband, and God. Without the constant "noise" of Facebook, I've been able to really hear what's going on inside MY head for once. I really realized how much I use Facebook as an escape from my own reality. I've been able to sit down and write a few letters to some really dear friends who God has specifically placed in my path for this season of my life--and I am sooo thankful for them. I desire to have a REAL connection with these people and not just over Facebook. I am determined as I sign back into Facebook not to let the desire to spend real time with my friends go. Facebook just does not beat real life "Face time"!

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